Black Ridge
(also known as Glenmona)
Welcome to our virtual consultation website relating to our proposals for the following planning applications on lands at Glenmona:
Welcome to our Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC) relating to our proposals for a mixed use development (in lieu of the previously approved employment zone under LA04/2020/0804/F) comprising 36 no. Category 1 (over 55’s) social housing apartments and 7 no. Class B1/B2 Business/Light Industrial Units. Development includes 2 no. access points, car parking, landscaping and all associated site works at lands adjacent and south west of Monagh By-pass, north west of Nos. 17, 99 and 22 Black Ridge Gardens and c. 150 metres south east of Nos. 38 to 70 (evens) Black Ridge View (part of the wider Glenmona mixed-use development), Belfast.
Purpose of Consultation and Next Steps
The purpose of this consultation is to share our indicative proposals with the community and other interested parties, prior to the submission of a Full Planning Application to Belfast City Council.
We are committed to engaging with members of the wider community and are now undertaking a period of pre-application community consultation (PACC) on our proposals.
The feedback received will be shared with the design team and will help to shape our proposals prior to the submission of a planning application. We will prepare a Pre-Application Community Consultation Report which will provide a summary of all feedback, our response and how we have incorporated any appropriate feedback into the final proposals for the scheme. This report will be submitted as part of the Full Planning Application to Belfast City Council.
How to provide feedback and find out more
Virtual Consultation Website
Our website ( is a one-stop shop for all information relating to these proposals. You can browse our plans and view information documents relating to our proposals. An online feedback form can also be completed on the website.
Information leaflets have been delivered to properties within 200 metres of the proposal site. This leaflet included information on the proposals and information on the in-person consultation event and the virtual consultation website as well as contact information for the consultation manager.
Speak to Us
Our project team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm to discuss the proposals or respond to any queries you may have.
Contact: Cavendish
Tel: 02890267099
Closing date for feedback – Friday 20th December 2024

Building More Than Buildings
Never forgetting its origins or the family values so important to the McGinnis name, the Braidwater Group is now one of Northern Ireland’s leading builders. Thanks to a team of over 100 talented and conscientious people, Braidwater has won a raft of awards for major private and social housing developments located throughout Northern Ireland.
This next stage in the Braidwater journey is an exciting one. Here’s to the next 100 years and counting.
Strategic Context, Site Location, Planning Policy Context
General Location
The subject site forms part of the wider Glenmona development (approved under LA04/2020/0804/F) which is located on land between the Upper Springfield Road, Glen Road and the Monagh by-pass, about 2.5 miles south west of Belfast City Centre
Surrounding Area
The Glenmona site is within a mixed use area characterised by residential dwellings, local shops at Glen Road, and services including schools, churches and recreational facilities. The site also benefits from excellent connectivity being sited adjacent to the A55 Monagh By-Pass, a protected transport route which forms part of the outer orbital ring for the City of Belfast; and the A501 Glen Road, both of which provide direct and easy access into the City Centre, c. 2.5 miles to the north-east of the site.

Wider Glenmona site
Wider Glenmona site Within the wider mixed use development, there are residential dwellings to the south east and south west and the community centre is situated to the west of the proposal site. The approved commercial centre is located to the north west and the Monagh By-Pass runs along the north eastern boundary.
The Subject Sites
The lands for this application were formerly approved for employment uses within the wider mixed-use development, located to the south east of the main site access from the Monagh By-Pass. The lands are currently subject to groundworks as per the live planning permission. The approved application for this site contains:
- 6 Class B1a offices
- 1 Class B1b/B1c call centre and R&D office
- 11 Class B1b/B1c/B2 call centre and R&D offices/ light industrial units
Our Proposals for Glenmona
Planning Reference Number: LA04/2020/0804/F
The subject lands form part of the wider Glenmona mixed use planning approval, which was granted on 10th March 2021. The overall permission comprised: “Proposed major mixed-use development comprising 653 residential dwellings (549 social housing units and 104 affordable housing units); 2 replacement residential care homes; mixed use area including local neighbourhood retail centre (1 convenience retail anchor unit and 3 retail/hot food/coffee shop units and hotel; Class B business uses within employment zone comprising a mix of 6 Class B1a offices; 1 Class B1b/B1c call centre and R&D office; and 11 Class B1b/B1c/B2 call centre and R&D offices/ light industrial units; community facilities including community building; MUGA pitch and play area. Development includes 2 vehicular site access points from Monagh By-Pass (1 signalised), associated internal road network, pedestrian and cycle ways, public open space, children’s play area(s), landscaping, 2 no. waste water treatment works, and all other site and access works (amended scheme)”

Within the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (2015), the lands form part of the wider Monagh Bypass / Upper Springfield Road Mixed Use zoning (Ref: BT 002).

Unfortunately, the lands have been unsuccessfully marketed for employment development and as such the subject proposals replace part of the employment zone with 36 no. apartments (Cat. 1 over 55s) and provides for a scaled back employment area of 7 no. units.

The residential aspect of the application comprises 36 no. Category 1 (Over 55’s) Social Housing Apartments within 2 no. apartment blocks, replacing part of the previously approved employment zone.
It is envisaged that residential development is the most appropriate solution for the lands, ensuring that the prominent site does not lay vacant in the long term, complementing the wider residential development and contributing additional housing in an area of acute housing need. There are 4 no. wheelchair units included as part of the proposal. The residential layout includes for a vehicular access into a private parking court; pedestrian access from the main spine road landscaping and open space; and private amenity areas.

The commercial aspect of the proposal comprises an amendment to the previous employment zone, providing for 7 no. Class B1/Class B2 Business/Light Industrial Units. The proposals will include for a separate access to the apartment development and a dedicated parking area.

Benefitting the Community
This proposal will deliver a number of community benefits as outlined below:
Have your say
Our community consultation will be closed on Friday 20th December 2024, 5pm
We would like to thank the local community for participating in the consultation and for providing their feedback.
We will be reviewing the feedback received from our consultation and produce a Statement of Community Involvement. This statement will be one part of our forthcoming planning application and reflect the feedback received.
Contact us
You can contact us and/or leave your feedback in the following ways:
Tel: 02890267099